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李政治 2017-1-25 16:36
莲花生大师造 在苯教的念诵中记载,在古代,某些笨波教的臣修砌灵墓,宰杀了鹿等各类野生动物来祭祀笨波教的天神。 当时,国王赤松德赞看见将血肉供养视为善法的苯教祭祀后问莲花生大士:“尊敬的上师仁波切,苯教的宗旨完全与罪业混为一谈,他们屠杀 ...
288 次阅读|0 个评论
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Photo: istockA controversial new billboard, Curry 2 "MVP" , which you may have seen in your city, poses the question next to a photo of a white rat and a cute little girl: "Who would you rather see live?" Where do you stand on the issue of animal resting and research in the health care industry? A f ...
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April 24, on the territory of Pingchang mud Xiang a winding mountain road, louboutin paris , the cafe was closed because of dissatisfaction with black cafe owner Lee, tiffany e co , driving a large truck ramped up toward the front of a sitting of law enforcement officers slam the car up, the car s ...
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